Services we offer


Vision To develop, equip and empower individuals and companies in search of their destination for the latest in leadership and organizational change for greatness.


Turning personal passion, proven best practices, exponential growth strategies, and the power of servant leadership into a
hands-on mindset to bring about changes and greatness in people’s personal life ’s
and purposes.


Intervision connects people with a vision.
Far too often we are in search of another company that can help us out in specific areas we ourselves cannot fully manage, or don’t have sufficient knowledge about. Intervision provides trustworthy networking companies who are willing to share knowledge and skills to ad to your own. Intervision also provides training, coaching & consultancy in creative thinking and solutions.


Overcome roadblocks and accomplish goals.

Leadership training topics

Humility – A leader demonstrates humility by refraining from using authority or position for personal gain or to boost their ego. The aim is to foster an environment where individuals feel at ease to participate without feeling intimidated.

Spiritual Growth – It's impossible to radiate qualities you do not possess. A leader committed to godliness maintains an active prayer life, engages in consistent Bible reading and study, and remains faithful to following the principles of Christ.

Recognition of Human Value – Leaders interact with individuals from various backgrounds, many facing challenging issues. Recognizing the inherent value in every person and treating them with the same compassion Jesus displayed is crucial

Humble Demeanor – Pride has no place in a leader's heart. Leaders who make others feel inferior or belittled risk losing support. Effective leadership involves encouraging and developing each team member to reach their fullest potential.

Accessibility and Approachability – Church leaders should not hide away or be unreachable. Creating an environment where individuals can approach and communicate freely is essential.

Servant Leadership – A godly leader understands the importance of modeling the servant example of Jesus. Instead of issuing commands, they actively seek ways to help and meet the needs of others.

Authenticity – Pretending to care about someone is ineffective. True care and concern are evident, and leaders should invest time in getting to know individuals and their situations for providing meaningful counsel.

Active Listening – Leaders should not merely hear people; they should actively listen. Failure to engage in meaningful communication can lead to a loss of respect and credibility.

Maintaining Connections – Staying in touch with people, particularly when leading a small group, is vital. While exercising wisdom in the appropriate level of contact, connecting beyond Sunday mornings is crucial for building meaningful relationships.

Admitting Lack of Knowledge – Leaders need not have all the answers. Admitting when one doesn't know something and committing to finding accurate information builds respect.

These traits, among others, contribute to effective leadership. Mastering them provides a solid foundation for leadership success.


Maximize Your Learning with the Interactive Study Guide

  1. Believe – really believe – your team can achieve its objective
  2. Develop respectful, trusting relationships with your team
  3. Be loyal to your team – continue to build trust as your team grows

All these crucial elements of leadership — believing in your team, respectful trusting relationships, and remaining loyal – are the foundation of success.

Becoming Your Family's Spiritual Leader: Lessons from Jesus

To assume the role of your family's spiritual leader, Jesus provides a timeless blueprint that emphasizes servant leadership, prioritizing others' needs before your own. Here are key lessons from Jesus on leadership:

  1. Leading by Example:

    • Jesus didn't merely deliver speeches or impose rules; instead, he demonstrated the principles of living a God-pleasing life through his actions and truthful words.
  2. Personal Time with God:

    • Numerous accounts in the New Testament depict Jesus withdrawing to spend solitary moments in prayer and communion with His Father. Just as these moments strengthened and refreshed Jesus, spending quality time alone with God holds immense value for us.
  3. Praying for and with Loved Ones:

    • Consider the impact when Jesus, in prayer, called out the names of His disciples or interceded for their needs. Emulate this practice, and your family will experience the same comfort and empowerment through your prayers.
  4. Being a Constant Servant:

    • Acts of service, driven by love and a genuine commitment to prioritize others' needs, exemplify true leadership. Humility, a hallmark of authentic leaders, was consistently embodied by Jesus.
  5. Valuing Others' Input:

    • Jesus valued the thoughts and contributions of His disciples, often engaging them in meaningful dialogue. Similarly, actively listening to your wife's insights and feedback, and, when appropriate, involving your children, will contribute to informed decision-making that benefits the entire family.

Relationships Matter

There’s a place for good people skills, too.

Building strong relationships with team members is key. These relationships should be built on trust, mutual respect and loyalty. This will cause employees to “go the extra mile for a leader without expecting anything in return.”


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